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What Is It Like Owning Your Own Gym?

Owning a gym definitely isn't easy, but imagine owning and training at your own gym while still attending school and trying to stay on top of your academics. One individual from Trinidad and Tobago has managed to do all that exceptionally well and his name is Jonathan Dickerson. Jonathan currently attends Uwi and is doing the sixth form program. He also is the person that trains the people that go to his gym so he currently has his hands full with things to do.

I decided to interview Jonathan so I could write an article for you guys to learn about all he does and his passion for fitness and for me to be able to learn as well. I hope you guys enjoy this article and those that want make a lifestyle change can contact Jonathan and start going to his gym.


1. Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your upbringing?

Well first to begin with I have a strong sense of humour which has truly impacted the lives of many people due to my past experiences in my toddlers days, where it was extremely difficult to fit in. Fortunately, I've realised that making people laugh was my way of being socially accepted and because of that I've been considered a comedian ever since standard one. My humour has prevented a handful of suicides (according to interpersonal testimonies) and has lifted the moods of countless individuals that suffer from depression. On the contrary I attended St. Mary's College, and within that five year academic period is where I discovered my love towards fitness, being aesthetic to be precise. My passion grew so much, that on lunch times, myself and a couple schoolmates formed a makeshift gym in the school cafeteria in which we did exercises like pull-ups, push-ups and the list goes on. Another factor that I believe contributed towards this passion were my parents, who are the owners of a health clinic, that obviously enforced a healthy lifestyle onto me at an early age which heavily impacted my current characteristics.

2. When did you start taking fitness seriously?

To be honest, I've been taking fitness seriously since my first set of push-ups. However, I don't believe in settling for mediocrity so I decided to get educated towards the very biomechanics and diet aspects of fitness during the summer vacation of 2016 which had a direct impact on my current physique. These are the reasons for me being able to have a physique at 18 that most people spend their whole lives trying to obtain.

3. Are you passionate about anything besides fitness?

I without a doubt possess a passion towards putting a smile on the faces of others, so much so, that I started making comedic videos on my instagram (@_jona_thannn), 70 in total to be exact, that I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about. I've recently stopped uploading comedic videos due to my hectic schedule of trying to balance running a business and school simultaneously.

4. Is anyone else in your family involved in fitness like yourself?

Indeed, my parents to begin with are probably the healthiest people on the face of the planet Earth. I also have two cousins that have fantastic physiques which I admired even before I started lifting weights.

5. When did you decide to start your own gym and what inspired you?

Ever since form three I've boasted to quite a bit of people, out of faith of course, that I was going to start a gym of course because I loved the idea of having a business dedicated to changing people's lives both mentality and physically. I just never thought that it would be this early in life. Starting the gym would not have been possible without the capital from my parents to sponsor the equipments and machinery. My plan is to repay them tenfold in the long run because of that selfless act.

6. How do you manage to operate your own gym and stay on top of your work?

This is probably the most difficult obstacle I've faced. I must admit that I usually fall short of regular revision due to being so fatigue from training clients and getting in my own personal workout daily. However, sacrifice is necessary, if it was easy everybody would do it. "In order to live the life that others don't have, you must be willing to do what others won't" hence why I get my stuff done regardless, especially due to the fact that education is extremely significant in terms of prosperity in life.

7. Do you have any other major plans for the gym for the rest of the year?

Not quite, However my focus right now is to get the ambience of the facilities as motivating as possible and also comfortable enough to enjoy each and every workout that my clients participate in.

8. Where do you see yourself and your gym in the next five years?

My plan in the next five years is to blow up in the fitness industry locally. Apart from owning the gym I plan on creating a fitness brand and having a fitness program on television. You're going to read about me one day.

9. Do you look up to anybody in particular?

Well in terms of physiques, I look up to a few bodybuilders like Simeon Panda, Colum Von Moger, Bradley Martin and the man himself Arnold Schwarzenegger just to name a few. On the other hand in terms of starting a gym I don't think I have any role models in that aspect.

10. Have you ever experienced some form of failure with regards to your gym and if so how did you overcome it?

I've recently started this gym, 3-4 months ago to be exact, which means I'm still experiencing a lot of failure but when I remind myself of the bigger picture, minor set back like this aren't even worth discussing. I keep my focus towards the future which helps towards my motivation.

11. How do you handle stressful situations?

I've programmed my mind by listening to motivational content every single morning therefore I see stressful situations as just obstacles that are put in place in order to contribute to my overall character. Without stress muscles won't get the chance to grow. I apply that same principle to life.

12. What is your greatest weakness and what are you doing to improve it?

Let's just say that I skipped leg day for way too long and now I'm suffering the consequences right now haha. However, as of recent I've made quite a bit of improvement in my legs due to the amount compound movements I circle my routines around.

13. What is your greatest strength?

I believe my greatest strength is having the ability to uplift anyone that is in my presence. I've mastered the ability to cure depression.

14. How do you define success?

I won the sperm race against a million other competitors 18 years ago. I am the definition of success in my perspective.

15. Are you running the gym on your own or do you have some sort of support system in place?

My parents play a major role in the existence of my business so they also back me up if I'm ever in financial difficulties. They are by default my support system.

16. Do you have any advice for other individuals that want to start their own gyms or business?

Indeed, my advice for whoever is reading this is......Whatever you want to do in terms of starting a business, do It based on your passion and don't let anyone's opinions of it dictate your judgment. Don't operate based on the approval of others because soon enough the same ones that are laughing at your startup would be coming to you five years later for advice or to purchase from your firm. Move in silence and let your success make the noise, stay humble and always remember the most important thing is taking that first step.

You guys can check out Jonathan on instagram at the links below. I'll leave links for his personal page and his fitness page.

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