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1) Space

a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied

2) Space

the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.


The position (two or more items) at a distance from one another.

4) Space

To be or become euphoric or unaware of one's surroundings, especially from taking drugs.

Damn i need some space, catch a hint

But not from you, oh god no

How could I lose my oxygen, that'll make it feel like im in space

Maybe even a little misplaced

Come right next to me

Cuddle up and let's take things slow

There's something I wanna show

I want you to have some of this space with me

I want you to not give me my third definition, but rather to be my first reason

Can't we stare off into a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied

The same way we used to be before I was all about you and you were somewhere near that for me

I'd show you everything that makes me smile

Did you ever notice that I zone out when im getting upset?

Or in the night I'd look up and I'd just reset

Because the stars simplicity always compliments the moon's beauty

And you never really miss them till you're looking up in a starless night, hoping to spot just one spec of light

And I know how much i smile at that

And that's how I want it to be with me

I just wanna be that one star you see when you think they're all gone

Cuz that euphoric shit? Quit. No longer on it. That number 4 is no more to me. I got a family to raise.

I can't imagine how hard shit would be if I was still stuck in my ways.

The dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move...

Think about this

The measure at which we look at something, knowing everything in detail, and then being able to look at the solutions within which all things exist and move...

Damn wouldn't that be nice?

A world full of understanding and reason

A life... With a reason? Forever being worth more than the ransom?

Where love can't be stopped or cured?

Where I'll

Finally be yours

Maybe we do need some space.

Take whichever definition you mean

Whatever you please

Just please

Give me some space.

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