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Meet Brandon Selvon, Creator of BLCK SUPPLY.

As I said before, the local fashion scene is growing day by day, particularly with regards to street wear. I decided to interview one of my closest friends, Brandon Selvon, as he started his own street wear brand "BLCK Supply." I knew about his brand's story but I realized that I should interview him and share the information with you guys so you guys could get a better understanding as to why Brandon choose to start a clothing line. I really hope you guys enjoy this article and leave your feedback.

1. Could you tell us about yourself so the readers could get to know you?

My name is Brandon. I am a visionary and aspiring graphic designer. I am individual that alternates between imagination and fantasy but I still have a rooted sense of reality. I believe that great art involves a leap of imagination into a world that is different from the present. I am an introvert, I prefer to sit at the side-lines and observe the details of the passing show.

In my life, I combine playfulness and discipline which has inspired countless ideas. I have an innovative attitude, nothing stops me. I always find substantial solutions towards the problems I face. I am philanthropist. I enjoy helping and influencing my peers to achieve their goals.

Honestly, even though I am proud of the work I produce I am also humble and always willing to learn something new and experience something different. One of the biggest influences I had that really helped me to develop a passion for clothing was American rapper Machine Gun Kelly. Watching his music videos at the age of 13 shaped my taste in clothing and in a sense his music shaped my personality. I followed his street wear style till I was able to develop my own.

I have finally started my own street wear clothing line which is called BLCK Supply which stands for Black Supply. What motivated me to start this was the fact that I wanted to reach for my future instead of waiting for it to arrive. It was hard to create a logo that would last and that I would like, but I eventually choose the rose as BLCK Supply's logo. The rose appealed to me because it was exotic and unique. The subtle nature of the rose perfectly mirrored what I wanted BLCK Supply to be.

2. What made you think about starting a brand?

Why I started a brand? Because my name is Brandon?

For me, starting my own clothing line, designed and ran fully by me has always been a dream of mine. I've had a love for fashion since I was young but I've been more focused on developing my graphic design skills and capabilities. After I graduated from Queen's Royal College, I realized that the most important factor in any career is experience. On having this epiphany, I pondered for quite some time on how to gain experience in this field and then it hit me, I should start a clothing line.

Starting a clothing line was not only something I was passionate about but it was also something that was giving me experience for the future. I was like a kid in a candy store when the conscience settled. I was excited as hell. During the development stage of creating the brand, all of the ideas, names, dreams, goals and images that flowed through my brain made me feel an uncontrollable, heartfelt sentiment. I was truly becoming ardent about fashion and my love for it just went to another level.

3. What is the idea behind your brand?

To become an unique feared entity within the industry right here in Trinidad and Tobago and ultimately internationally. BLCK Supply's aim is to create one of a kind clothing, to give its customers a feeling of being dressed in refined and exotic apparel with a distinct style. Purity of lines and sophisticated details jazzed up with dynamic form to give its wearer a taste of greatness

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I pride myself on my communication skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations. I have learned how to effectively understand and resolve potential problems. I also have a positive hard working mentality. One of my greatest strengths would be the endless creativity that flows within my mind. Another one of my strengths is my ability to see the positive side of anything and the potential in everything.

One of my weaknesses are time management. I like to make sure my work is perfect, so I tend to spend too much time checking up on it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly and on time.

5. I know you also do graphic design, where did you learn to do that?

Graphic design, just like fashion, is something I'm very passionate about. Personally, there is nothing I love more than graphic design and fashion. I was first exposed to graphic design at the age of 12-13. I used to play an MMORPG browser based shooter called Uberstrike, which had a forum and I used that forum to create simple web signatures for other players within the forum community and my ability just began to grow from there.

I've come as far as starting my own graphic design business called Breakthrough Studios which is an online multi-disciplinary design firm. Breakthrough studios specializes in graphic and industrial design. No one taught me how to do what I do. It's been a trial and error process with experimentation.

6. Could you describe your creative process?

If I had to use one word to describe my creative process, that word would be haphazard. It's not something I'm proud of but that's how it is. To begin with, I do not produce everyday though in a way that depends on what one means by "produce." In my opinion most of the creative word that's essential takes place while I'm day dreaming. This is when all of my ideas start flowing and I've realized that I make most of my decisions while I'm showering or stuck in traffic. I'll narrow down those ideas until I get one I really like.

As of late, I try not to carry my phone around as much because it's very distracting. Sometimes it's good to be truly alone, incommunicado. The downside of this process is that I'm too easily distracted and at times I have to discipline myself to sit and draw in my journal. The beauty of it though is that I get to draw however much I want to. There are no rules when it comes to art.

7. If you could have any celebrity as your brand ambassador, who would you choose?

I would say Machine Gun Kelly or Kanye West but if I had to narrow it down I would prefer MGK because he was the one who initially inspired me.

8. What is the hardest thing about owning a brand?

Money is definitely a major factor but I don't believe it's the hardest thing about owning a brand. I am of the opinion that having a dedication and a vision is more suited. Owning a brand beyond any doubt is a hustle so having the passion and the drive to strive in a vacant business is important.

9. What are your plans for the rest of the year with regard to the brand?

BLCK Supply has a lot of things upcoming for the rest of the year and onward. I intend to stretch my range of apparel from t-shirts to hoodies to hats and even trousers. I want to integrate my cultural symbolic designs while remaining refined and different. I am currently in the development stages of these new designs. I intend on taking everything one day at a time.

10. Where do you see your brand in the next five years?

Realistically, I expect my brand to take 2-3 years to become well known. I'll attempt to get my clothing one the shelves of stores as a simple start into a larger market and start an online store. 4-5 years laters, my dream for BLCK Supply is simple. I want to open a store and thgen start moving into international waters. Most importantly, I want to gain the knowledge to always provide favourable apparel for customers no matter what.

Hope you guys enjoyed this article and share it with your friends.

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