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Meet Young Creative, Levi Marcus.

Levi Marcus, born in Trinidad and Tobago, is another young individual that is extremely passionate when it comes to fashion. He is clearly driven to succeed and he is one of the many individuals that I look up to. He is currently studying away at The Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan but he is still proof that all hope is not lost with our beautiful country of Trinidad and Tobago. He and many other young designers continue to fly the flag of our nation high and put our beautiful island on the map for fashion. I truly believe that individuals such as Levi will help to restore the faith in the people of Trinidad and Tobago. I’m glad to say that I got the opportunity to interview Levi and learn more about him and his brand and I hope you guys enjoy what you read in this blog post.

  • Could you give us some insight into your childhood days?

  • As a child I loved art. My grandfather used to always make toys out of cardboard and would draw some of my favourite childhood characters and give it to me as gifts. This of course influenced me to begin drawing and I developed a passion for creativity.

  • How old are you?

  • I’m 21 years old.

  • What got you into the fashion scene and how old were you when this happened?

  • I honestly have memories of being excited to dress up on dress down days in primary school. However, I really started to pay attention to it when girls became a priority. Around 13 my mom introduced me to brands like Abercrombie and Fitch, and I grew to discover other brands that better suited my style.

  • Are you passionate about fashion or is this something you’re doing on the side.

  • I'm extremely passionate about fashion.

  • What made you decide to start a brand?

  • My step father blessed me with the concept on my 18th birthday. The rest is history.

  • What does your brand stand for?

  • Levi Marcus, is really my first and middle name. The brand stands for creativity without fear. True expression, disregarding judgement.

  • What is the hardest part about starting a brand for you?

  • Staying committed to it. Lots of ups and downs but you have to stick through it.

  • Do you have a team or are you working on your own?

  • You can say my girlfriend and family are my team. A lot of things wouldn’t have been possible without them.

  • Are you studying fashion design?

  • No. Fashion Business Management.

  • Do you think form 6 is necessary for individuals that want to pursue a career in the fashion industry?

  • I did form 6, and it definitely made university a lot easier. I wouldn’t say it’s NECESSARY, but it’s a good idea.

  • What are your top 5 favourite clothing brands?

  • All Saints. Canada Goose. Adidas. Zara. Levi Marcus.

  • Do you look up to any designers?

  • Not really.

  • Are you inspired by any brands?

  • I can’t say one in particular. Collectively they provide different inspirations.

  • Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?

  • It’s hard to say. Too many unexpected things can happen in 10 years. But hopefully by then I would have successfully opened and maintained a chain of Levi Marcus stores.

  • What are some steps people can take to reach their goals?

  • Think of a concept. Break that down into its various steps. Complete by a certain deadline. Keep a consistent Quality.

  • Do you have a backup plan?

  • No. That distracts from plan A.

  • How would you describe your style?

  • All over. I like to switch it up.

  • Where do you want to live and operate your brand?

  • Ideally, I would like to live and operate in Canada.

  • Do you have any advice for young individuals that would like to get into the fashion industry?

  • Use the internet to educate yourselves. You can literally find ANYTHING there. The internet has made this world such a smaller place, take advantage of that. If you would like to see some of his creation check out the gallery below.

  • If you enjoyed this article please leave your feedback and share with your friends.

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