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Meet Trinidadian designer, Adrian Foster.

Adrian Foster

Adrian Foster, a 27 year old designer from Trinidad and Tobago, is one of the many young designers steering Trinidad and Tobago's fashion industry in the right direction. I had the opportunity to chat with Adrian a few months ago at his store at The Normandie hotel. Adrian is a really down to earth individual and sincerely wants to see our fashion industry go to the next level.

How I ended up meeting him is an interesting story for another time but for now I will just give you guys a brief introduction into the world of Adrian Foster.

I had the opportunity to interview Adrian over the weekend and i'll share the questions and answers with you guys. I hope you take something out of this interview and use this information to push forward and grow.


1. Could you briefly describe your childhood, so readers could get to know more about you?

I was born and raised in south-central, Couva by both my parents. I am the second of two boys, my brother who is one year older. Growing up, I was always involved in the arts in school and at home.

2. How old are you?

I'm 27 years of age.

3. What made you develop a passion for fashion design?

It’s a place where I feel comfortable. I love being creative but most importantly, I saw my potential to become successful.

4. How old were you when you realized you wanted to be a fashion designer?

I believe in my mid-teenage years when my mother introduced me a great friend of hers who was involved in pageantry. He became my mentor for a few years.

5. Where did you study fashion design?

At the University of Trinidad and Tobago, The Caribbean Academy of Fashion Design

6. Describe what kind of fashion designer you are.

I am a women’s ready-to-wear designer

7. Describe your creative process.

My creative process usually begins with an inspiration, then I begin the research process based on that subject of inspiration. Various references are collected and a mood-board is created. I then thoughtfully think about my client’s lifestyle and create a list of garments I will like to create within a capsule collection. Other important elements are included such as a calendar of activities during the year. Colour story and fabric selection, shape and texture. Idea are then generated from this information and further developed before the actual production of prototype to final.

8. Have you ever experienced failure and how do you overcome it?

Yes, failure is a must. It’s how you learn. I overcome failure by learning to accept and appreciate it. You’ll only get better and better by trial and error.

9. Where do you see yourself in a few years down the road?

In a few years or more, I’m hoping to reach further and further into developing my brand and business. My main goals are to have a creative team, focus on entering more retail markets, maintaining quality garments and design and to open online access and regional shipping.

10. What is your opinion on the local fashion industry?

As always, we are rich in talent. I’m proud to be of the islands. Hopefully in years to come our fashion community will operate as an industry.

11. What is the hardest part about being a designer for you?

My work as a designer I enjoy, always but now I’m 80% a businessman and that’s the frustrating part. It’s hard staying focus and motivated. The life as an entrepreneur takes passion and dedication.

12. Any advice for future designers?

Know exactly where you want to fit in in the world of fashion. Becoming a fashion designer is just one job in a pool of many other important roles. Understand your skill and perfect it!

Look at some of Adrian's work below

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